
Product Designer

A Million Ads

Hello! We are A Million Ads. We exist at the intersection of cutting-edge ad tech and creativity. Our platform makes it easy for creatives and producers to make millions of personalized video and audio ads that are intelligently tailored on the fly to each recipient, all without compromising creativity. Personalized content that is more relevant and contextually aware performs better and produces a better viewing or listening experience.

In five years, we’ve delivered over 1,000 campaigns across the UK, Europe and the US for global brands like P&G, Sky, Johnson & Johnson, Toyota, eBay and Ford. We work with all of the major media agencies and trading desks, and are partnered with publishers such as Spotify, Acast, Octave, Bauer and Global Radio. We deploy our personalisation engine across video, music streaming, internet radio and podcasting.

About the role...

  • We blend ease of use, complexity and fun into one user interface, we’re looking for someone to help us continue to build an awesome user experience.
  • You will have a direct impact on the product that is used by some of the world’s top audio and video producers.
  • It will be important to collaborate both internally and externally, working with large brands & companies
  • You will use your creativity and ingenuity, seeking out value, proving ideas and taking responsibility

 What you’ll do...

  • Overall responsibility for the look and feel of our products
  • Continuous collaboration with Product Managers, Engineers, users and customers
  • Rapid prototyping for both discovery and delivery
  • Advocating for a lean/experimental approach
  • Evangelising the value of high quality product design/UX 

Who you are...

  • A desire for continuous improvement
  • A curious mindset
  • Experience using prototyping tools like Adobe XD or similar
  • An interest in audio or video

If this role sounds of interest to you, or if you have any questions about us or this role, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our hiring team on jobs@amillionads.com  

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